I have reviewed several books on change management (see the list below) to support those attending training workshops on change management. This free online resource of 70 pages should be added as a valuable resource on change management – The Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) Standard for Change Management and ACMP Change Management Code of Ethics.
The standard describes the knowledge, established norms, processes, tasks and skills necessary for change management practitioners. It was first published in 2014 after a two-year rigorous process led by an international task force. This version is from 2019. The ACMP recognises that it will continue to evolve with the realities of digital transformation, agile development, harnessing of data science, personalization and other disruptive forces.
It is written in surprisingly simple language making it easy to read and absorb. It will be helpful to leaders, change managers and project managers.
Part one covers the standard and comprises 64 pages. The remaining pages cover the code of ethics.
Terms and definitions are listed, including change management: “The practice of applying a structured approach to the transition of an organization from a current state to a future state to achieve expected benefits”.
Key concepts
It summarises some key concepts:
- Change is a process – mentioning the initial dip in performance due to an individual’s normal reaction to change
- Relationship to strategic planning – which establishes a vision
- Types of organisational change – analysis of change variables such as size and complexity and an assessment regarding culture and readiness
- Relationship to project management – complementary yet distinct disciplines – with integration across roles and responsibilities, methodology and plan, tools and resources, objectives and outcomes and risks
- Organisational change and individual change
- Change management roles and responsibilities – change management practitioner, change management team, change management lead, sponsors and change agents
- Organizational alignment and change management
Then it looks at the change management process (without mandating particular processes or steps) in detail – with an emphasis on stakeholder engagement before, during and after the change process and the various process groups and inputs/outputs required:
- Evaluate change impact and organizational readiness
- Define the change
- Determine why the change is required
- Develop a clear vision for the future state
- Identify goals, objectives and success criteria
- Identify sponsors accountable for change
- Identify stakeholders affected by the change
- Assess the change impact
- Assess alignment of the change with organizational strategic objectives and performance measurement
- Assess external factors that may affect organizational change
- Assess organization culture(s) related to the change
- Assess organizational capacity for change
- Assess organisational readiness for change
- Assess communication needs, communication channels and ability to deliver key messages
- Assess learning capabilities
- Conduct change risks assessment
- Formulate the change management strategy
- Develop the communication strategy (business rationale, principles for communication messages)
- Develop the sponsorship strategy
- Develop the stakeholder engagement strategy
- Develop the change impact and readiness strategy
- Develop the learning and development strategy
- Develop the measurement and benefit realization strategy
- Develop the sustainability strategy
- Develop the change management plan
- Develop a comprehensive change management plan (resources, sponsorship, stakeholder engagement, communication, learning and development, measurement and benefit realization, sustainability
- Integrate change management and project management plans
- Review and approve plan with project leadership
- Develop feedback mechanisms to monitor performance
- Execute the change management plan
- Execute, manage and monitor implementation of the change management plan
- Executive communication plan
- Execute sponsorship plan
- Execute stakeholder engagement plan
- Execute learning and development plan
- Execute measurement and benefit realization plan
- Execute sustainability plan
- Modify the change management plan as required
- Complete the change management effort
- Evaluate the outcome against objectives
- Design and conduct lessons learned valuation and provide results to establish internal best practices
- Gain approval for completion, transfer of ownership and release resources
There are appendices on:
- ACMP Statement of Change Management (including a list of knowledge and skill areas)
- (Five) Process groups mapped to subject groups (these are great diagrams)
- Change Management Code of Ethics (Honesty, Responsibility, Fairness, Respect, Advancing the discipline and supporting practitioners
The document can be downloaded here: The Standard – The Association of Change Management Professionals (acmpglobal.org)
Books on change management
Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett (kimtasso.com) May 2020
Change management – Change Catalyst book review by Kim Tasso September 2018
change management and organisational change (kimtasso.com) January 2017
Change management book – Switch (Chip & Dan Heath) (kimtasso.com) September 2015
Your personal transition – Endings, neutral zone and new beginnings (kimtasso.com) June 2020
Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great (kimtasso.com) Includes The Sunday Times How to manage organisational change By D E Hussey
Helping people change: Coaching with compassion (kimtasso.com) October 2019
Other articles on change management
Dealing with resistance to change (kimtasso.com) March 2021
Change management basics – personal and organisational change (kimtasso.com) December 2020
change process – Emotions when reacting to change (kimtasso.com) April 2020
Nine Change Management insights (May 2022) (kimtasso.com) May 2022
thoughts on managing change and leadership (kimtasso.com) November 2019
Change management and Employee engagement (kimtasso.com) April 2019
Project vs campaign management (kimtasso.com) October 2016
Delegation and project management – Kim Tasso January 2014