
Achieve more engagement and buy-in: Relationships, Plan, Expectations, Benefits, Persuasion and Training

At the recent Training - PM Forum on “Buy-in, engagement and stakeholder management” workshop we welcomed executive and manager delegates from legal and accountancy firms as well as a delegate from Poland. The session used the 7P model of buy-in to explore rational and emotional tools to achieve buy-in: Plan, Read More

2024-11-28T17:06:35+00:00March 1, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Leadership, emotional intelligence and teams in change management

Last week I was excited to lead an MBL session  on “Tackling Change Management - A Workshop for Professional Firms”. Having facilitated this session many times in the past in face-to-face workshops, it was exhilarating to experience the change in running it on-line for the first time. We welcomed delegates Read More

2024-05-03T08:23:56+01:00January 28, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|
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