Management Skills

Leadership: Emotional contagion, delegation, coaching and team meetings

At the end of last year I ran a half day training session on management and leadership for marketing and business development professionals. Some key topics of interest were emotional contagion, delegation, coaching and team meetings: Emotional contagion Those around us are affected by our emotions. This means that if Read More

2018-01-12T11:46:00+00:00January 12, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Future marketing manager – Perception, Motivation and Planning (Oct 2017)

At the recent Future Marketing Manager we covered the usual wide range of topics. However, the three themes that involved the most discussion were perception, motivation and planning.  Perception Perception is “the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted”. There was recognition that how marketing and business Read More

2017-10-20T14:43:56+01:00October 20, 2017|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|
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