Management Skills

Recruitment and succession of surveyors – Human resources management for property partnerships

At two recent MBL training courses on “Managing and marketing a profitable surveyors practice” - one in London and the other in Birmingham – there was much discussion about human resources management (HRM) issues. Recruitment and succession of surveyors appears to be a common challenge when it comes to Read More

2016-12-12T16:37:58+00:00December 12, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Be more strategic – Look to the stars and keep it simple sailor

At a recent " Be more strategic " training workshop the delegates summarised their rather full and intensive day by preparing presentations to summarise and highlight the key points that they had learned. Sailing as a metaphor for strategy One of the presentations used the metaphor of sailing a ship Read More

2016-11-28T17:42:41+00:00November 28, 2016|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Book review: TED Talks – The official TED guide to public speaking by Chris Anderson (Presentation skills)

TED’s mission is to nurture the spread of powerful ideas. Anyone who has seen a TED talk knows that they are expert, entertaining, often emotional and always compelling. And never more than 18 minutes. So while many business presentations might not be suitable for the full TED treatment, there must Read More

2016-10-25T17:52:23+01:00October 25, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Selling|

The Lawyer Business Leadership Summit – Crystal balls, Change, Connection, CRM and Collaboration. And don’t forget the Millennials.

The end of September marks the annual Business Leadership Summit and Awards from The Lawyer magazine so I was at The Brewery in Chiswell Street bright and early for a day of commercial insights from lawyer business leaders. I was not disappointed.  What is the office for? - The Lawyer Read More

2016-10-08T13:36:28+01:00October 8, 2016|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|
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