Kim’s Blog

Using Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard as a business planning tool

Most people who have completed management studies or an MBA will be familiar with this model. But there are a couple of professional practices that I work with who have used it in anger and have effectively built their integrated firm business plan, departmental business plans and individual partner plans Read More

2014-08-18T14:03:20+01:00May 10, 2011|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Winning tenders with procurement

Huthwaite International is acknowledged as some of the leading experts on selling (based on psychologist Neil Rackham’s work on SPIN selling) so it was with interest that I watched a video recently with highlights of their recent conference on “Winning tenders with procurement” where there is a high involvement from Read More

2013-09-08T19:10:42+01:00May 9, 2011|Kim's Blog, Selling, Statistics and trends|

Law Firm Strategy – Are law firm leaders in denial about the perfect storm or hanging on for the final big catch?

An article on law firm strategy written recently by myself (Kim Tasso, management consultant in professional services) and Roger Bell (a strategy consultant for listed companies). Please note that the George Clooney references were my idea ! Whilst the media focuses on the latest development in the onslaught of change facing Read More

2014-01-16T15:09:41+00:00May 6, 2011|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

Introduction to MAC (Mobile Activation Code) tags

Noticed those small square graphical images that have started to creep onto the pages of print media and other promotional materials? I even received a business card recently with a tag on the back. Personally, I prefer the aesthetics of the QR (Quick Response) tags although some experts argue that Read More

2013-07-30T22:03:33+01:00April 26, 2011|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends, Web Sites|
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