Relationship Management

Seven thoughts on stakeholder management, engagement and buy-In – Workshop summary (April 2021)

This post is for the fabulous delegates at the recent PM Forum  session on stakeholder management, engagement and buy-in. I don’t want to repeat what I have written about in previous stakeholder management, engagement and buy-in blogs so I have selected just seven thoughts from the emerging themes at the Read More

2021-04-30T19:46:20+01:00April 30, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Proactive Marketing and BD Executive – Data, Reach, Qualifications, Skills, Metaphors, Relationships and Confidence (April 2021)

The 18 delegates at the April PM Forum day workshop on “The Proactive Marketing and Business Development Executive”  were evenly split between legal and accountancy firms with a slight majority from law firms. Throughout the day there was lots of interaction through polls, break out exercises and discussion. Here I Read More

2021-04-22T15:28:08+01:00April 22, 2021|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Book review – Persuasion: The art of influencing people by James Borg

I have read many books on persuasion and influence. My favourites are those by Dr Robert Cialdini  - and I recently made a short (10 minute) video covering his six principles of persuasion.  This is a book review - “Persuasion: the art of influencing people” by James Borg. It is Read More

Storytelling book reviews: The Story Advantage by LJ Bloom and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons

I’ve done lots of training and workshops on storytelling (see this 2017 summary of ideas on selling legal services with storytelling ). Often as part of persuasive writing sessions. The image below shows you some of the tools I use in my storytelling workshops. Most people know that research shows Read More

2023-10-19T16:39:53+01:00March 18, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|
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