Relationship Management

Intapp leads the way with client lifecycle management (CLM) solution

In May I went along to the Intapp conference in London. I’ve written about the Intapp Professional Services Cloud before - it spans intelligent client development, unified business acceptance (conflict checking during client on-boarding) and client delivery (especially its support for pricing). But what struck me most at the recent conference was the Read More

2019-06-05T10:38:02+01:00June 5, 2019|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Be more confident and convey confidence

Confidence arises as an issue in many workshops – whether junior or senior people, whether fee-earners or marketing professionals, whether making a pitch or speaking in public. Confidence and self-confidence are covered in my latest book “Better Business Relationships”. In this post, I have summarised some tips to be more Read More

2025-01-29T08:33:10+00:00June 3, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

How technology drives marketing intelligence and efficiency

This article “How technology drives marketing intelligence and efficiency” was published by Intapp on April 29, 2019  Intapp recently connected with industry influencer, Kim Tasso, to discuss how technology is impacting and improving marketing. Tasso, the managing director of RedStarKim Ltd., is an independent management consultant specializing in the professional Read More

Better Business Relationships and DACRIE – A model to enhance business relationships

This article “A model to enhance business relationships” was published in the March 2019 edition of Ambition (the magazine of the Association of MBAs). It describes the DACRIE model which is the basis of the book by Kim Tasso “Better Business Relationships – Insights from psychology and management for working Read More

2019-04-15T15:29:33+01:00April 15, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Change management and Employee engagement

At the recent MBL Change management workshop we covered a lot of topics but the one that generated most interest was employee engagement. Change management and Employee engagement is particularly important in professional service firms where highly-skilled people are constantly on the front line with clients so it has Read More

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