Relationship Management

How do you choose a therapist?

Once you decide you want to have therapy, you have to choose a therapist. Most therapists describe themselves in terms of the type of therapy they provide. This makes it challenging for clients to choose if they are unaware of what those different types of therapy mean and for whom Read More

2024-07-27T12:33:01+01:00July 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Coaching skills – How to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas (dealing with stubbornness)

At the recent PM Forum - PM Forum training workshop on “Coaching and Consulting skills for marketing and business development professionals” the issue of how to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas or refuse to consider change arose several times.  We avoided using labels such Read More

Book review: Transformational Mentoring – creating developmental alliances for changing organizational cultures (1995) by Julie Hay

I’m reviewing some of the latest books on mentoring (reviews will be published soon) and I remembered this book. I read it back in 2000, during my studies to qualify as a professional coach/mentor. The author admits that it isn’t a book for beginners. But it had a huge impact Read More

2024-07-24T15:39:42+01:00July 24, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Confidence – How to get a word in when people keep talking (meeting skills)

This article was prompted by a recent MBL workshop  on “Boosting your confidence at work” with over 20 delegates from law practices, financial services as well as accountancy, surveying and consultancy firms. During our discussion on presence and visibility in the workplace, a delegate asked what they could do when Read More

2024-07-17T11:57:47+01:00July 17, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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