Relationship Management

Client Relationship Management (CRM) for local government lawyers

Having recently done some work with local Government legal departments on the subject, I was delighted to be invited to the LGG (Local Government Lawyers) Annual Weekend School in Exeter to facilitate a session for business managers on client relationship management. So in an interaction session on Client Relationship Management Read More

2015-04-23T11:18:15+01:00April 23, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management|

Internal relationships – 60 ideas to help marketing professionals forge stronger relationships with lawyers, accountants and surveyors

Internal relationships are important for producing results in any marketing or business development initiative. At a recent “Towards Key Account Management – Helping fee-earners with client relationship management” workshop we conducted a brain writing exercise to gather as many strategies and ideas to help marketing professionals forge stronger relationships with Read More

2018-01-12T11:54:45+00:00April 7, 2015|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Legal marketing case study: Improving referrals through reward systems at Keystone Law

I’ve written many articles and blogs about cross-selling and both internal and external referral management. And I always mention the need to remove barriers and risks and ensure that there are adequate rewards. So here's an interesting Legal marketing case study. So I was interested to talk to the good Read More

2015-02-19T15:37:29+00:00February 19, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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