
Book review: How to be great at the stuff you hate: The straight talking guide to persuading, networking and selling By Nick Davies

I’ve just finished writing a detailed review of this book "How to be great at the stuff you hate: The straight talking guide to persuading, networking and selling" which will appear shortly in PM magazine. Here are some headline thoughts and a few more personal observations. Any book which starts Read More

2015-12-10T12:04:32+00:00March 12, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Selling|

Musical chairs for legal leaders

With ABS on the horizon and firms facing huge change management programmes, it’s not surprising that there’s lots of comings and goings with regards to leadership. And it’s interesting to note an increase in non-legal appointments in senior positions. Here’s a few that caught my attention: 750 lawyer Taylor Wessing appointed a Read More

2013-08-06T17:12:11+01:00February 14, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Statistics and trends|

International Family Law – QEB barristers on new European maintenance regulations at IAML

The International Association of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) session titled “Catching up with the EU Maintenance Regulation: are England et al ‘Little Englanders’?” was presented by Tim Amos QC of Queen Elizabeth Building and hosted in the offices of Charles Russell which afforded a stunning view of the City night skyline. Read More

2013-08-01T13:00:17+01:00October 16, 2011|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing|
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