Proactive Marketing Executive – Eight top tips (Feb 2018)

Another successful Proactive Marketing Executive training session took place recently where there were lots of ideas on how to increase your value to your team and firm and progress your career at the same time. Eight top tips for being more proactive Delegates – from legal, accountancy and property Read More

2018-02-27T11:44:41+00:00February 27, 2018|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Private client marketing – Competing in the digital era

This article on "Private client marketing - competing in the digital era" was published in the November 2017 edition of The Law Society’s PS magazine for private client lawyers Whilst we should be excited about the potential of digital technologies to help busy private client lawyers with their business Read More

2017-11-09T14:56:26+00:00November 9, 2017|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Social Media, Web Sites|

Marketing secretary and PA: Three roles where secretaries and PAs contribute to marketing and business development success

At a recent PM Forum training course “Introduction to marketing and BD for PAs and secretaries” the delegates – from legal, accountancy, surveying, actuarial and technology firms – asked for a summary of the ways in which PAs and secretaries could contribute to marketing and business development success. Increasingly, technology Read More

2017-11-07T09:54:19+00:00November 7, 2017|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

10 steps to create a business development campaign

At a recent CLT course on “Business Development for Lawyers” I asked delegates (many of whom where insolvency experts) what they would most like as a follow up blog post. They asked for something that pulled everything together on developing a marketing and business development campaign. This is a topic Read More

2015-11-13T12:45:19+00:00November 13, 2015|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Strategy|

Where do I start? Business Development for Lawyers (MBL Private Client Training July 2015)

At a recent MBL seminar on “Developing and sustaining your private client practice” a delegate said that while she found the day really good, she had so many ideas that she didn’t know where to start. So this blog post is for her. 1. Understand the numbers Make friends Read More

2015-07-21T11:15:01+01:00July 21, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Strategy|
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