Communication skills

What is Socratic questioning? (Questioning skills)

Long before I learned of the value of Socratic questioning in coaching and counselling, I remember an editor asking me to use Socratic questioning in some writing. Socratic questioning is a way to drive logical argument. It’s helpful in conversations, critical thinking and negotiation. So what is Socratic questioning? (Questioning Read More

2024-02-27T17:29:03+00:00February 22, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Why are questions so important? (Questioning skills)

Most people appreciate the importance of questioning skills in selling, training, coaching, counselling (especially Cognitive Based Therapy – CBT) and commercial conversations. In this post I explore different types of questions and how they can be used in various business scenarios. Why are questions so important? (Questioning skills). The importance Read More

2024-02-22T17:28:18+00:00February 21, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Persuasive writing checklist

Delegates from legal, financial service and industry, joined me last week for a full day workshop on persuasive writing. Whilst it is usual to have business development professionals and experienced partners on this session, it was great to welcome a number of trainee solicitors too. During the session we created Read More

2024-09-30T12:01:20+01:00February 12, 2024|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Selling|

Future Marketing and Business Development Manager: Connections, Collaboration, Context, Creativity, Cause and Continuous learning

In early December (and despite the train strike), we gathered at the offices of London | Simmons & Simmons ( for a workshop on “Future Marketing and Business Development Manager”. Training - PM Forum. It was an energetic and exciting day where everyone took away different ideas and actions. Future Read More

2023-12-12T11:56:34+00:00December 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Book review – Can we start again? The patterns of NLP applied to business interactions by Daryll Scott

This book review was published in  Magazine - PM Forum way back in 2008. However, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has arisen a few times at recent training workshops so I thought I would publish the review as a blog post. Book review – Can we start again? The patterns of Read More

2023-12-07T09:44:58+00:00December 7, 2023|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|
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