
Conference review: Rebooting Marketing for Growth – 26th Professional Marketing Forum Conference 2021

A version of this article appears in the November 2021 edition of PM Forum Magazine: “Conference review: Rebooting Marketing for Growth – 26th Professional Marketing Forum Conference 2021”  It seemed like just yesterday when we were poised in front of our screens at home attending the first online PM Forum Read More

2021-11-03T14:37:20+00:00November 3, 2021|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property|

Proactive Marketing Executive – Plans, Budgets, Relationships and Career Development

Last week I was joined by 18 delegates from solicitor, patent attorney, accountancy, surveying and consulting practices for PM Forum’s “Proactive Marketing Executive” full day workshop.  The poll results and delegate comments are shown below. We cover a huge amount during the day: strategic marketing, operational marketing, managing campaigns, resource Read More

2021-09-10T09:20:22+01:00September 7, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

SEO update for professional services (October 2020)

On 21 October, the PM Forum East Midlands branch  organised a SEO masterclass webinar where Hugo Whittaker (Twitter account @ImpressionTalk) of Impression gave a fast SEO update for professional services firms. I have summarised his key points in this short article. See here for an introduction to SEO (Oct 2011) Read More

2020-10-26T13:49:00+00:00October 26, 2020|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|

Legal marketing case study: Social media in business development and relationship management: A guide for lawyers by Kim Tasso (Book review)

This week I was delighted that my sixth book “Social media in business development and relationship management: A guide for lawyers” was published by Globe Law and Business The introductory guide is designed for lawyers and law firms (whether providing consumer or commercial legal services) who are assessing whether social Read More

Google and social media advertising

Working predominantly with business-to-business (B2B) professional services firms, there is little opportunity to do much advertising. Most of the firms I work with focus on generating online interest through content management and search strategies although social media advertising is becoming increasingly popular with some law, accountancy and property firms. I’m Read More

2018-04-05T15:30:14+01:00April 5, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Social Media, Web Sites|
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