Book review: “Leadership transformed – how ordinary managers become extraordinary leaders” by Dr Peter Fuda

I read this book a while ago but have mentioned it to several people (leaders) recently during coaching programmes so thought I’d write a short review to encourage them to read it. The book, which is based doctoral research using 360 degree feedback (Leadership/Impact instrument – a registered trademark of Read More

2014-08-05T16:47:55+01:00August 5, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

What are the essential skills for modern marketers?

I was interested to see the Econsultancy research infographic on the essential skills for modern marketers back in May – especially when compared to the recently launched new Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) standards: which is summarised as follows: Core Technical Behaviours Insights Reputation,   risk and compliance Commercially Read More

2014-07-29T15:41:41+01:00July 29, 2014|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Book Review: Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

This topic continues to generate an increasing amount of interest as the importance of emotional intelligence (aka soft skills) for leadership, management, marketing, selling and client relationship management becomes more generally known. There are many resources on this web site on the topic (use the search facility) and I provided Read More

Book review: “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie – Still a valuable guide

I first read "How to win friends and influence people" way back in January 1984. That’s nearly 30 years ago (the book was actually written back in 1938). It had a profound effect on me - despite the fact that I am a psychologist and have read thousands of books Read More

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