Law Society

Legal marketing case studies – Digital marketing at The Law Society Law Management Conference 2017

I recently attended The Law Society’s Law Management Section conference (#LMSConf2017 There were lots of excellent presentations and this blog (one of three) summarises the information relating to legal marketing case studies. The Law Society At the start of the conference Robert Bourns, President of The Law Society, mentioned Read More

Client Experience Management CEM – Lessons from John Lewis and other consumer services (Law Society Law Management Conference 2017)

I recently attended The Law Society’s Law Management Section conference (#LMSConf2017 There were lots of excellent presentations and this blog (one of three about the event) summarises the information relating to Client Experience Management (CEM) and what we can learn for professional services marketing. Andrew McMillan (@EngagingService) was formerly Read More

Law Society publishes social media practice note

On 20 December 2011 the Law Society published a 14 page practice note on social media. You can see it here: It provides a rather brief answer to the question “What are social media?”, a summary of the pros and cons, focuses on the professional and ethical issues for lawyers Read More

2013-08-05T18:12:54+01:00January 7, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Social Media|
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