
Research update on the most in-demand soft skills

Following my past research (some of which was published in my 2020 book Essential soft skills for lawyers (kimtasso.com)) I keep an eye out for the latest information relating to the soft skills (particularly leadership skills) most in demand and how these relate to the professional services sector. So here Read More

Marketing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – The power of reflection?

Once a year I have to produce four reflective learning statements for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in order to maintain my Chartered Marketer status as a Fellow of CIM. Each year I put off this exercise until the last minute. Yet I always emerge from the process feeling Read More

2022-08-30T16:36:40+01:00August 30, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Book review – Brilliant personal effectiveness by Douglas Miller

The start of a New Year means new habits right? I have run training sessions on improving personal effectiveness for many years so it was good to find an introductory book that covers the majority of the topics. It also contains a fair amount of positive psychology (which is pretty Read More

2022-01-04T10:03:13+00:00January 4, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021)

I was delighted to present the first (fully booked!) Professional Marketing Forum “Coaching and consulting skills for marketing and BD” workshop earlier this month. This post includes some of the key points arising from the coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop as well as signposting resources requested by the Read More

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