Legal Marketing

Legal marketing case studies – Farrer & Co Lexis® Interaction® and Berwin Leighton Paisner Siteimprove web governance suite

At the recent PM Forum conference, I picked up some legal marketing case studies from technology suppliers there about the use of marketing technology by law firms. Farrer & Co CRM Farrer & Co (220 fee-earners including 78 partners) has used CRM solution Lexis® Interaction® since 2005. As part of Read More

2014-10-03T10:58:41+01:00October 3, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Web Sites|

Moving your career beyond Head of Marketing – PM Forum event report

KPMG hosted a panel discussion last night where some of the brightest stars of professional services marketing shared their reflections, insights and advice on how to break through to the next step of your career beyond Head of Marketing roles. I’ve summarised the key points from speakers and contributors (Simon Read More

2014-09-18T12:11:09+01:00September 17, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Client feedback – Insights into general counsel needs (2014 part one)

In each edition, The Lawyer magazine interviews an in-house lawyer or Group Counsel. I picked up the following trends into general counsel needs and selected some highlights to inform those either pitching to or building relationships with similar in-house counsel. Trends The importance of on-the-ground local counsel Use of preferred firms Read More

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