
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) updates standard and qualifications (2024)

Marketing moves at a very fast pace – and professional marketing standards and qualifications need to keep up. The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) has revised its professional qualifications. The last major revision was in 2020. CIM qualifications provide guidance on what knowledge, skills and behaviours are needed throughout a Read More

2024-09-03T10:54:19+01:00September 3, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Social Media|

28th PM Forum Conference: Organisational culture, mentoring, digital distraction, ESG and client experience (2023)

For over 20 years I have attended and reported on the annual Professional Marketing conference. Sometimes I have also presented sessions. The latest conference was reported in the winter edition of PM Magazine. Thanks to editor Matt Baldwin for his assistance. The theme of the 28th conference this year was Read More

2023-11-24T09:58:30+00:00November 24, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

How Marketing and Business Development (M&BD) Assistants can shine – Develop knowledge and skills, build personal brand and increase visibility

The September PM Forum workshop on “Professional and Practical Skills for Marketing and Business Development (M&BD) Assistants” was attended by 18 delegates from legal, accountancy, consultancy and actuarial firms. The session comprises three elements: marketing and business development fundamentals, practical marketing communication and business development skills and growing your career. Read More

2023-09-29T13:49:21+01:00September 29, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Book review: Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field

I haven’t reviewed a book on the topic of internal communication and yet it’s a vital element of marketing, branding, organisational culture, change management and leadership. This contemporary book (published in 2021) is just 200 pages and is subtitled “Streamline your corporate communication to drive efficiency and engagement”. So here’s Read More

2022-09-06T09:18:11+01:00September 6, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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