Marketing Careers

The Proactive M&BD Executive – Culture shock, marketing models, fee-earner engagement, qualifications and social media

Just before Easter I spent a day facilitating the popular PM Forum training workshop “The Proactive M&BD Executive”. With a full house of marketing and business development executives from legal and accountancy firms across the UK it was an interactive, valuable and fun day (Thank you delegates for your spirited engagement Read More

2023-04-12T18:25:44+01:00April 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|

Be more strategic – A metaphor: Analyse, join and align the dots

At the start of March, there was an online PM Forum workshop on “Being more strategic”. Delegates were from legal and accountancy firms with roles as varied as marketing, digital marketing, business development, PR and key accounts (executives, managers and a director). Below is a summary of the key themes Read More

2023-03-06T11:22:47+00:00March 6, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|

Marketing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – The power of reflection?

Once a year I have to produce four reflective learning statements for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in order to maintain my Chartered Marketer status as a Fellow of CIM. Each year I put off this exercise until the last minute. Yet I always emerge from the process feeling Read More

2022-08-30T16:36:40+01:00August 30, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Avoid the revolving door – Recruiting and retaining marketing and business development professionals in PSFs

The Great Resignation arrived somewhat early in the marketing and business development (M&BD) teams of professional services firms (PSF) after Covid. There was a dizzying whirl of junior and senior professionals moving firms – some pushed by the behaviour of firms during lockdown and others pulled to the attractions of Read More

2023-03-28T09:11:48+01:00August 18, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|
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