Organisational culture

Avoid the revolving door – Recruiting and retaining marketing and business development professionals in PSFs

The Great Resignation arrived somewhat early in the marketing and business development (M&BD) teams of professional services firms (PSF) after Covid. There was a dizzying whirl of junior and senior professionals moving firms – some pushed by the behaviour of firms during lockdown and others pulled to the attractions of Read More

2023-03-28T09:11:48+01:00August 18, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great, How to manage organisational change and Strategic Selling

At recent consulting, strategy and change management workshops delegates asked about some classic management books. I also noticed that “Good to great” was frequently referenced in some of the latest management thinking. As I had published the reviews below before starting this blog in 2008, I thought I’d re-post them Read More

2022-05-24T17:10:18+01:00May 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Selling, Strategy|

Dealing with “difficult” people – Nine strategies for dealing with arrogance

I was surprised that at two recent workshops, delegates indicated that the attitudes and/or behaviours that they least like dealing with was arrogance. More so than anger, aggression and sadness. During another training scenario, I noticed that people acting in a superior way evoked similarly strong negative reactions. So this Read More

2021-06-01T15:39:59+01:00June 1, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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