
How do you choose a therapist?

Once you decide you want to have therapy, you have to choose a therapist. Most therapists describe themselves in terms of the type of therapy they provide. This makes it challenging for clients to choose if they are unaware of what those different types of therapy mean and for whom Read More

2024-07-27T12:33:01+01:00July 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Coaching skills – How to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas (dealing with stubbornness)

At the recent PM Forum - PM Forum training workshop on “Coaching and Consulting skills for marketing and business development professionals” the issue of how to work with people with fixed views and closed to new ideas or refuse to consider change arose several times.  We avoided using labels such Read More

Book Review: The Coaching Manual by Julie Starr

I’ve reviewed several advanced coaching books in the past but I was asked to recommend a good introduction to the topic to support those attending my various coaching training sessions. Coaching is proven to be an effective way to develop and retain your team members. Coaching is an essential leadership Read More

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