Referrer management

Referrer Management – Capacity and Capability

This article is a summary of the conversation and key takeaways from a workshop in London for MBL.  Delegates included both partners and business development professionals (some with a banking background) from law firms (employment, criminal, disputes, offshore), accountancy practices (audit, forensic, insolvency and restructuring and financial services. Some were Read More

Pitching, differentiation and competitor analysis

In May we welcomed delegates from legal, accounting and consulting firms at manager and executive levels to a PM Forum workshop on pitching. Some delegates were highly experienced in pitching (and their roles focused on pitching and tenders), whereas others were at the start of their journey and/or had only Read More

2023-06-01T11:28:30+01:00June 1, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling, Strategy|
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