Remote working

Book review – Brilliant personal effectiveness by Douglas Miller

The start of a New Year means new habits right? I have run training sessions on improving personal effectiveness for many years so it was good to find an introductory book that covers the majority of the topics. It also contains a fair amount of positive psychology (which is pretty Read More

2022-01-04T10:03:13+00:00January 4, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

The impact of Covid on listening while selling

Earlier in the year I joined an incredible panel of marketing and business development experts including  – Helen Blake of FutureCurve, Bernard Savage of Size 10 and a half Boots, Claire Mason of Man Bites Dog and Elliott Moss of Mishcon de Reya. The session was ably facilitated by Meirion Read More

Future Marketing Manager – Eight steps to manage virtual teams

Managing virtual teams emerged as a key topic again at a recent Future Marketing Manager course As professional service firms become larger and more global it is an increasing challenge. So I have summarised the previous guidance and added new insights into this short guide – Eight steps to Read More

2019-11-01T16:49:37+00:00November 1, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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