
Joined up marketing and selling with value propositions

I recently did some work with a professional firm on value propositions. And whilst I cannot share the detail of that work I thought it was worth highlighting a few key points about the importance of the poorly understood (or applied) concept of value propositions. Definitions There are numerous definitions Read More

Book review: Chaotics – The business of managing and marketing in the age of turbulence By Philip Kotler and John A Caslione (scenario planning)

Book review: Chaotics - The business of managing and marketing in the age of turbulence By Philip Kotler and John A Caslione (scenario planning). This review appeared in Professional Marketing magazine a while back. But I keep mentioning the book to people so thought I’d publish it here. This book about scenario planning Read More

2022-10-21T12:14:36+01:00July 14, 2011|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Law Firm Strategy – Are law firm leaders in denial about the perfect storm or hanging on for the final big catch?

An article on law firm strategy written recently by myself (Kim Tasso, management consultant in professional services) and Roger Bell (a strategy consultant for listed companies). Please note that the George Clooney references were my idea ! Whilst the media focuses on the latest development in the onslaught of change facing Read More

2014-01-16T15:09:41+00:00May 6, 2011|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|
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