Sales skills

Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great, How to manage organisational change and Strategic Selling

At recent consulting, strategy and change management workshops delegates asked about some classic management books. I also noticed that “Good to great” was frequently referenced in some of the latest management thinking. As I had published the reviews below before starting this blog in 2008, I thought I’d re-post them Read More

2022-05-24T17:10:18+01:00May 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Selling, Strategy|

Book Review: Smarter selling – Next generation sales strategies to meet your buyer’s needs every time by Keith Dugdale and David Lambert

I am often asked to recommend books on sales and selling – both for beginners and experienced practitioners. There are so many to choose from – I’ve read hundreds, reviewed a fair few and even written a couple. So I've done a series of reviews (other recommended sales books are Read More

2022-05-06T16:10:33+01:00May 6, 2022|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Selling|

Pitching and tendering – Focus, differentiation and less is more (April 2022)

There were delegates from law, construction and surveying firms at MBL’s recent “How to prepare and present winning pitches and tenders” . Three key themes emerged on pitching and tendering – Focus, differentiation and less is more. Focus on the client One of the key themes was the need to Read More

2022-04-07T11:17:05+01:00April 4, 2022|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Property, Relationship Management, Selling|

The impact of Covid on listening while selling

Earlier in the year I joined an incredible panel of marketing and business development experts including  – Helen Blake of FutureCurve, Bernard Savage of Size 10 and a half Boots, Claire Mason of Man Bites Dog and Elliott Moss of Mishcon de Reya. The session was ably facilitated by Meirion Read More

Four themes in the art of selling – Integrating marketing and sales, sales process, first contact and selling in a digital world

Earlier this week I ran a full day workshop on selling for MBL  (“The art of selling professional services and winning business”). The day was organised into six modules: the sales process, sales planning, integration with marketing, psychological selling, selling skills and measuring sales success. I selected four themes in Read More

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