
Strategic positioning: Can the professions constantly innovate?

At the recent Professional Marketing Forum conference  there were a number of sessions where the topic of strategic positioning arose. At an early point in the proceedings, Simon Slater talked about competitive positioning strategy. He mentioned Rita McGrath’s book “The end of competitive advantage” who argued that “strategy is stuck”. Read More

2013-10-06T18:36:44+01:00October 6, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Strategy|

Law firms still missing a trick with apps?

The following article appeared today on LexisNexis UK "Future of Law" In June 2012 I published a White Paper titled “UK law, accountancy and property firms – Are we missing the mobile revolution?”. The main points discussed included: Most UK law firm app development appeared to be focused on Read More

2013-09-08T18:40:08+01:00May 29, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Strategy|

Technology, strategy, innovation and pricing dominate Law South Conference

I spent yesterday at the lovely Fanhams Hall Hotel in Hertfordshire with the 12 law firms who make up Law South. There were four speakers (Professor Richard Susskind OBE, Nick Jarrett-Kerr, Tim Aspinall of DMH Stallard and myself) and two interactive sessions with the 50 or so members using electronic Read More

2013-08-07T22:12:39+01:00May 12, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends, Strategy|
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