Strategic drift

Referrer and intermediary management – 13 top tips from a workshop (May 2018)

I’m delighted to say that there were lots of delegates from law firms, accountancy firms, structural engineers, insolvency practitioners, banks and insurers at the recent referrer and intermediary management workshop in London At the end of the day, after considering how to generate better and more recommendations from internal sources, Read More

Strategic drift – a risk for partnerships

In most of the courses I teach and the coaching provided to senior lawyers, accountants and surveyors I talk about the importance of having a firm-wide strategy. Even if it is merely an “umbrella strategy” of overall parameters about how the equity partners hope that the firm will develop and Read More

2021-04-10T16:15:13+01:00December 29, 2011|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|
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