Team building

Book review: Legacy – What the All Blacks can teach us about the business of life by James Kerr (Leadership, culture, values and change management)

One of my property clients gave me a copy of this book to support a partner away day I was leading on authenticity, values and leadership. It’s a quick but interesting read so I thought – especially as I am proud Twickenham resident and a rugby fan - I’d provide Read More

2021-04-01T17:47:26+01:00January 10, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Strategy|

Change management and Employee engagement

At the recent MBL Change management workshop we covered a lot of topics but the one that generated most interest was employee engagement. Change management and Employee engagement is particularly important in professional service firms where highly-skilled people are constantly on the front line with clients so it has Read More

What marketing and business development assistants would like to say to their fee-earners

At a recent training workshop we considered: What marketing and business development assistants would like to say to their fee-earners. The assistants know that they have to work hard to understand what their fee-earners do and who they do it for – they must develop empathy with their fee-earners and Read More

2018-12-19T10:14:32+00:00December 18, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Relationship Management|
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