
About Kim Tasso

Strategy consultant. BD & Marketing trainer. Psychologist. Qualified coach. Author of seven books. NED. Trustee. Londoner.

Property marketing case study: Adam Tinworth on the challenges of on-line communities and content management

As part of my research into what’s happening (and, more importantly, what’s likely to be happening) in the fast moving world of property and real estate marketing, I spoke to Adam Tinworth, a former features editor at Estates Gazette and now a lecturer in digital journalism and a digital strategist Read More

We’re all change managers in professional services

At a recent in-house training workshop on “Communication, conflict and negotiation” I explained about different personality, cognitive and relationship styles – and the mind set of fee-earning professionals. We considered how to adapt our approach so that we could create rapport and trust and forge strong relationships with fee-earners. This, Read More

Book review – Rainmakers and Trailblazers (Business development for lawyers) by DWF

Delighted to see that the May 2014 edition of Professional Marketing magazine carried the following review of my fourth book "Rainmakers and Trailblazers - a step by step guide to business development for lawyers" "Law firms continually battle with educating their people in the essentials of business development. Attempting Read More

2014-05-08T11:08:16+01:00May 8, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|

Property marketing case study – Antony Slumbers: a sense of place, experiential marketing and augmented reality

As part of my research into what’s happening (and, more importantly, what’s likely to be happening) in the fast moving world of property and real estate marketing, I spoke to Antony Slumbers who does “adventures in technology and corporate real estate” with initiatives such as Glasnost21 (CRM, sales pipeline and Read More

CRM, sales pipeline, project management and collaboration system – Glasnost21 for small and medium firms

While most people know about the leading CRM systems for the professions (e.g. LexisNexis InterAction for lawyers), it’s always interesting to hear about other systems for small to medium sized firms whose needs are a little less sophisticated. Glasnost21 is produced by Antony Slumbers who specialises in the use of Read More

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