
About Kim Tasso

Strategy consultant. BD & Marketing trainer. Psychologist. Qualified coach. Author of seven books. NED. Trustee. Londoner.

Counsel article – Building rapport in the digital space and fixing ruptured relationships for barristers

This article on building rapport in the digital space and fixing ruptured relationships for barristers was published in the June 2021 edition of Counsel. This edition had a special focus on everything you need to know about marketing and PR for the Bar. Counsel is the official monthly magazine of Read More

2021-06-14T14:30:09+01:00June 14, 2021|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Law firm thought leadership update

Periodically, I scan the media for information about professional service firms thought leadership. Here is a summary of some notable developments – law firm thought leadership update: Davitt Jones Boult, Howard Kennedy, DLA Piper, Moreton Fraser and Stephens Scown.  Davitt Jones Boult (DJB) – Legal real estate boutique (Homes to Read More

2021-06-08T11:31:24+01:00June 8, 2021|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Statistics and trends|

Dealing with “difficult” people – Nine strategies for dealing with arrogance

I was surprised that at two recent workshops, delegates indicated that the attitudes and/or behaviours that they least like dealing with was arrogance. More so than anger, aggression and sadness. During another training scenario, I noticed that people acting in a superior way evoked similarly strong negative reactions. So this Read More

2021-06-01T15:39:59+01:00June 1, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Seven pitching themes – specialisation, engagement, research, content, differentiation, project management and virtual presence (May 2021)

This article was written for the delegates at a recent pitching workshop organised by the PM Forum  as a summary to supplement the other course materials they received. There were seven pitching themes – specialisation, engagement, research, content, differentiation, project management and virtual presence. 1. Increasing specialisation Many marketing and Read More

2021-08-20T08:59:28+01:00May 27, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|

Seven themes on assertiveness, effectiveness and impact – We’re all in the same boat on fee-earner relationships

At a recent PM Forum workshop on “Assertiveness, effectiveness and impact” a key insight was the reassuring realisation that we are all in the same boat on fee-earner relationships. Seven themes on assertiveness, effectiveness and impact emerged on fee-earner relationships (guilt, value, variety, impact, influence, questions and time). 1. Ignore Read More

2021-05-21T17:44:53+01:00May 21, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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