Management Skills

Bottlenecks, bulldozers and caught in the cross-fire – Highlights from a stakeholder management and buy-in session (2016)

These were just a few of the themes igniting the passions of marketing and business development people from professional service firms at the recent PM "Stakeholder management and buy-in" training workshop. I think it’s fair to say that there was a little therapy going on before we got down to business Read More

Leading a surveyors’ practice – Eight insights into leadership in property

At the recent Leeds presentation of the “Managing and marketing a profitable surveyors’ practice” training workshop we discussed leading a surveyor’s practice - leadership in property. Some of the leadership models discussed were considered helpful. We tackled a number of common issues when leading a surveyors’ practice and these are Read More

2016-07-20T09:57:53+01:00July 20, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Change management and creativity – Why a third adapt more easily

Successful professional service firms are those that have great leaders who can help their people anticipate and adapt to change quickly. So an article by Nick Tasler ( explaining why one in three adapt to change more easily caught my eye. The article refers to work by psychologist Salvatore Maddi Read More

2019-08-01T11:13:31+01:00July 15, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Business development writing for lawyers – 13 top tips for writing for impact

Academic writing. Technical writing. Professional writing. Lawyers are generally good writers. But business development writing by lawyers? That’s a different can of worms. I recently ran some workshops on business development writing for lawyers – providing guidance and coaching on how to achieve impact and response. We considered a variety Read More

2016-07-11T15:38:31+01:00July 11, 2016|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Social Media|
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