Management Skills

Seven top tips for conflict management and negotiation

Conflict – whether internal amongst colleagues or external with clients and suppliers – is an inevitable part of life and I have previously written about conflict management (see, for example and negotiation ( At a recent series of conflict management and negotiation skills workshops with leading property partnerships and Read More

2016-05-03T09:20:06+01:00May 3, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Achieving buy-in – Oranges, elephants and dancing

I recently visited Nottingham to lead a session for the East Midlands branch of the Professional Marketing Forum called “Achieving buy-in – getting it past the partners”. It was hosted in the fabulous offices of Browne Jacobson (loved their open plan staff café and the “News in the loos” Read More

2016-04-24T11:50:00+01:00April 24, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Law Society legal market research 2016 – The future of legal services

This legal market research report was published in January and is a cracking example of comprehensive SLEPT (or PEST) and market attractiveness analyses that will be valuable to any law firm strategic planning process. It’s a whopping 64 pages and it’s worth its weight in gold. It identifies five clusters Read More

Ten tips on cross-selling – Boosting internal networks

At a recent seminar on referrer and intermediary management, we turned our attention to the importance of internal referrals - What is commonly known as cross-selling. Here are the top ten tips on cross-selling picked by the delegates 1. Provide interesting internal talks (and follow up) Some firms organise “Brown Bag Read More

Being more strategic – Six insights (Bias, Data, Complexity, Tolerance, Journey, Skills)

Earlier this week, Norton Rose kindly hosted another presentation of the PM Forum’s “Being more strategic” training session where 18 delegates from solicitors, barristers, accountancy, actuarial and property firms attended. As always, at the end I asked which topics resonated most with the delegates and these were the main insights: Read More

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