Management Skills

The psychology of creativity

I have studied creativity and innovation extensively in the past and admire the work of people such as Bird, Buzan, Cabral, De Bono, Doblin, Grundy, Hayes, Henry, Kirton, Kline, Perkins, Snowden, Sternberg, Thomke and Wallace to name a few. Big C Creativity The psychology of creativity applies empirical, scientific rigour Read More

2014-08-20T14:42:46+01:00February 22, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Creative competencies

Dr Robert Epstein, a psychologist at Harvard, is well known as a leading thinker on creativity. He developed a simple model which identified the following important dimensions of creativity (creative competencies): Capturing This relates to how well you capture and preserve ideas as they occur to you. For example, artists carry Read More

2014-08-20T14:36:28+01:00February 22, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Digital PR – What do you do if defamatory material about your business is published?

In advance of the new Digital PR course from PM Forum, I asked solicitors at Royds LLP to provide some advice on what to do if someone writes something that is defamatory about you or your firm. Stewart Wilkinson, head of litigation at Royds LLP and trainee solicitor Rachel Salter Read More

It’s all in the mind? – Getting to grips with psychometric testing

Interested in a free personality assessment? I’ve just completed four days training with Psysoft to achieve the British Psychological Society (BPS) Occupational Ability and Personality Test User Certification Level A and B using NEO PI-R Personality Inventory. Yes, psychometric testing! This is to add to my armoury of a BPS Read More

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