
Book review – From products to customers to the human spirit: Marketing 3.0 By Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan

I’ve just read and written a review (for Professional Marketing magazine) of “From products to customers to the human spirit: Marketing 3.0” by Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan. It suggests that Marketing 3.0 is where marketing has evolved from being product centric, to consumer centric to being focused on Read More

2013-07-26T21:40:54+01:00November 15, 2010|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|

PM Forum Conference – The clients bite back (Sony Ericsson, Better Capital and JP Morgan)

My favourite session at each year’s PM Forum Annual Conference is the final plenary session where a panel of professional service clients are invited to give their view on the marketing and sales approaches that they receive and to answer questions from the floor. This year the panel comprised: - Read More

2013-07-26T21:34:23+01:00September 27, 2010|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Relationship Management|

Marketing professional services to High Net Worth clients

If I had a pound for every time a private client lawyer, accountant or surveyor said “We are targeting High Net Worth” clients I would be a very high net worth person myself! Whilst saying you are marketing professional services to High Net Worth clients sounds like a good strategy Read More

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