Kim’s Blog

Telephone skills workshop – 11 key points

Last week I facilitated a half day MBL telephone skills workshop titled “Pick up the phone! Client service and sales opportunities for professionals in the digital age”.  Delegates included lawyers, property professionals, actuaries and risk management consultants. We considered both inbound calls (enquiry management) and outbound calls (proactive sales calls). Read More

Three referrer management themes – Plans, Relationships and Communication

At the recent MBL “Developing More Work from Referrers & Intermediaries” full day digital workshop what emerged from delegate discussions were three referrer management themes – Plans, Relationship and Communication.  Agree targets and plans It became apparent early in the session that there was a need for different levels of Read More

What is curiosity and why is it important in business relationships? (Video)

(Script) Hi. I’m Kim Tasso. And I guess you are watching this video because you are curious about curiosity? I’m going to explore what is curiosity and why is it so important in business relationships. As well as for learning, your future employability and even your leadership. Then I’ll take Read More

2025-03-11T11:33:56+00:00July 2, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Struggling with segmentation?

This leader article “Struggling with segmentation” was published in the Summer 2021 edition of Professional Marketing Magazine  which is sent free to members of the Professional Marketing Forum. The Covid pandemic thrust marketers into the limelight. Without the face-to-face interactions that are fundamental to so much marketing and Read More

2021-06-30T17:12:44+01:00June 30, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|
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