Kim’s Blog

Strategy silos – is marketing guilty too? Align, integrate, focus, educate and champion

A short while ago, I travelled to Birmingham for a West Midlands Professional Marketing Forum  meeting to talk about “Towards strategic marketing”. Yesterday, I presented at a professional services conference in Sussex (organised by Consortium  and supported by CIM) and presented on a similar topic. Whereas we often consider our lawyers, accountants and surveyors Read More

2018-07-18T11:32:31+01:00July 18, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Strategy|

Property marketing case study – Key points from the EG property marketing conference 2018

I thought this year’s Estates Gazette (EG is the new brand) property marketing conference in June was a great improvement from last year. There was a series of excellent talks - both property marketing case study presentations and views from the experts. The main messages appeared to be: Finally we Read More

Marketing after the technology revolution?

This article appeared as the leader in Professional Marketing magazine (Summer 2018 edition) where I am Editorial Consultant in Chief. I used to think that the MarTech revolution had bypassed professional services but now I’m not so sure. I’ve seen the future and it is automated. So how will marketing Read More

The art of giving feedback

The art of giving feedback arises in training workshops on change management, team development, performance management, delegation and coaching. Here is a summary of the key points to bear in mind.  Feedback defined Effective feedback means “Paying attention and giving high-quality feedback from an empathic place, stepping into the other Read More

2018-06-18T10:50:17+01:00June 18, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Accountancy marketing case study – Manufacturing and engineering benchmarking thought leadership at MHA

I’m always on the lookout for great marketing and communications campaigns and I found an excellent sector initiative by a UK wide accountancy association - Manufacturing and engineering benchmarking thought leadership at MHA. It's a good accountancy marketing case study. The main research publication is the annual report (the latest Read More

2018-06-08T10:47:20+01:00June 8, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|
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