Relationship Management

Book review – Mentoring: A complete guide to effective mentoring by Dr Ruth Gotian and Andy Lopata

I’ve reviewed many books on coaching and mentoring over the years. This Financial Times Guide was published in Spring 2024 and is particularly attractive to leaders who want to understand the value of mentoring in the workplace. It will be valuable to human resources professionals who implement or improve their Read More

2024-10-07T15:09:49+01:00September 2, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Why are my relationships like rollercoaster rides? Volatile relationships with heady highs and rock-bottom lows

Therapy clients sometimes report that their relationships are dramatic and volatile – swinging from heady highs to rock-bottom lows (and back again). Sometimes clients aren’t aware that they are repeating this pattern in their personal relationships. There are many possible reasons and explanations – some of which are linked.  With Read More

2024-08-21T09:36:24+01:00August 21, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Book review: “Adult children of emotionally immature parents – how to heal from distant, rejecting or self-involved parents” by Lindsay C Gibson PsyD

This 2015 New York Times bestselling book by a clinical psychologist will provide a profound light bulb moment for some people. The book really resonated with me. And I have seen the dramatic impact it had on some of my clients who came to therapy reporting anxiety, anger, depression and/or Read More

2024-11-04T19:21:21+00:00August 15, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Update on event management

Most professional services firms use events as an integral part of their marketing and business development (MBD) campaigns. And many firms have MBD professionals who focus solely on event management. So it was good to hear the July CIM webinar which was dedicated to event management. Richard John | Read More

Book review: The Fertile Void – Gestalt coaching at work by John Leary-Joyce

This book will be of interest to experienced coaches (beginners will need to be familiar with coaching fundamentals – introductory books are listed below). It explains how Gestalt therapy techniques can be used in coaching situations. I’ve written this review as a supplement to the resources available to those who Read More

2024-12-13T18:30:54+00:00August 6, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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