Relationship Management

Digital PR case study – BDO accountants “Service2020: Megatrends for the decade ahead” and local government social media campaign

Allan Evans is global head of clients and markets at BDO accountants and in the UK leads a team of more than 60 people. Prior to joining BDO, Allan was the sales and marketing director for PricewaterhouseCoopers and before that he worked at Abbey Life, Lloyds TSB, Friends Provident and Read More

Use the 6Rs to generate more referrals – Referrer management

For lawyers, accountants and surveyors in a network of offices, the challenge of generating referrals (cross-selling) will be all too familiar. Extend the network into strategic alliances and across other firms and the problem is compounded. Referrer management is an important but tricky activity. It’s a multi-faceted issue, and there is Read More

Two big guns of communication – Face-time and reframing

At a recent workshop for “Practical and professional skills for marketing and business development assistants”  I asked the participants for their views on the most important practical tips that they were taking away. They picked two – one might argue obvious - techniques to help them improve their communications with partners Read More

2023-09-23T16:27:32+01:00March 7, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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