
Lessons from recent inbound marketing and social media course

This week I lead another of the successful inbound marketing and social media courses for professional services marketers for PM Forum I was glad that there were delegates from all the professions – lawyers, accountants and surveyors – although having a range of 3 to 9.5 (out of ten) Read More

White Paper: Apps by UK law, accountancy and property firms – Are we missing the mobile revolution?

Are you App-Aware, App-Agnostic or App-Happy? I have monitored the introduction of Apps by professional service firms (PSFs) in the legal, accountancy and property markets over the past few years and even built a spread sheet analysing their key features and relative strengths and weaknesses. I intended to write a Read More

Technology, strategy, innovation and pricing dominate Law South Conference

I spent yesterday at the lovely Fanhams Hall Hotel in Hertfordshire with the 12 law firms who make up Law South. There were four speakers (Professor Richard Susskind OBE, Nick Jarrett-Kerr, Tim Aspinall of DMH Stallard and myself) and two interactive sessions with the 50 or so members using electronic Read More

2013-08-07T22:12:39+01:00May 12, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Adaptation and reinvention – Taking my own medicine

Branding is tricky at the best of times. But when you have to apply the process to yourself or your own business it becomes almost impossible. When I established my first company - Practical Marketing Consultancy Ltd - way back in 1994 the world was a very different place. Almost Read More

Business development in large and small firms – what’s the difference?

Following a lively debate on a LinkedIn group, I recently wrote an article for Professional Marketing magazine which explored whether the business development challenges and approaches in a large firm were significantly different from those in a small firm. The key areas explored included: Engagement Infrastructure Bureaucracy and influence Resources Read More

2013-08-07T17:58:13+01:00May 3, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Selling, Strategy|
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