
Case study – Digital PR central part of the mix to build an accountancy niche in fashion

This case study was prepared for use in the forthcoming Digital PR training course being developed for the Professional Marketing Forum ( Natasha Frangos is a partner at haysmacintyre ( Chartered Accountants and corporate finance and tax advisers which is based in Holborn and comprises 26 partners and 150 staff. Read More

2013-08-12T20:24:35+01:00September 9, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Social Media|

Highlights from the McKinsey article on demystifying social media

In April, McKinsey management consultants published an article on social media with a specific focus on its value in consumer marketing and on its “consumer decision journey” model. The full article is here: Whilst it is not directly relevant to the professions, there are some statistics and case studies Read More

Blending online and offline marketing

I have just published a short article on this topic for Delia Venables’ Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. They key points covered include: Listen to the market (research) Attend events (market intelligence/make connections) Follow up Manage your contacts Prioritise your pipeline Promote your referrers and clients Create a campaign Optimise your Read More

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