
Law firm thought leadership update

Periodically, I scan the media for information about professional service firms thought leadership. Here is a summary of some notable developments – law firm thought leadership update: Davitt Jones Boult, Howard Kennedy, DLA Piper, Moreton Fraser and Stephens Scown.  Davitt Jones Boult (DJB) – Legal real estate boutique (Homes to Read More

2021-06-08T11:31:24+01:00June 8, 2021|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Statistics and trends|

Influencer marketing in professional services

Whilst we might not call it influencer marketing in professional services, it is usually an important component of our marketing, communications and sales strategies. I spend a lot of time helping firms establish and improve their marketing, referrer management and client relationship management strategies and influencer marketing usually features. And Read More

Professional Services thought leadership update – FTI, Bidwells, Grist and Fieldfisher (November 2020)

A round up of recent media mentions of thought leadership campaigns in professional services. Professional Services thought leadership update - FTI, Bidwells, Grist and Fieldfisher. I’ve added my thoughts on recent campaigns which we use in thought leadership training workshops. Award-winning thought leadership campaign at FTI (June 2020) FTI Consulting Read More

2020-12-16T15:51:44+00:00November 25, 2020|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Property, Statistics and trends|
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