
Book review: “The change catalyst – secrets to successful and sustainable business change” by Campbell MacPherson (Change Management)

I was at the Business Book Awards https://www.businessbookawards.co.uk/  in March. I saw Campbell’s humble and humorous acceptance speech when this book scooped the overall winner prize. The judges’ glowing commendations  meant that I simply had to read it. The change catalyst is indeed a great book. It's beautifully written and a Read More

2018-09-26T14:23:53+01:00September 26, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Strategy|

The art of giving feedback

The art of giving feedback arises in training workshops on change management, team development, performance management, delegation and coaching. Here is a summary of the key points to bear in mind.  Feedback defined Effective feedback means “Paying attention and giving high-quality feedback from an empathic place, stepping into the other Read More

2018-06-18T10:50:17+01:00June 18, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Seven top tips for conflict management and negotiation

Conflict – whether internal amongst colleagues or external with clients and suppliers – is an inevitable part of life and I have previously written about conflict management (see, for example http://kimtasso.com/nine-ideas-for-better-conflict-management/) and negotiation (http://kimtasso.com/10-practical-tips-fee-price-negotiations/). At a recent series of conflict management and negotiation skills workshops with leading property partnerships and Read More

2016-05-03T09:20:06+01:00May 3, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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