Family lawyers

Private client commercial conversations

At a recent business conversation skills session, private client and family lawyers asked about the nature of commercial conversations with individual clients (as opposed to business clients). These private clients are often high net worth (or ultra high net worth). So here are some thoughts on private client commercial conversations. Read More

2025-01-08T16:11:57+00:00March 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Statistics and trends|

Book Review: Mediation skills and strategies – A practical guide by Tony Whatling

I am often asked which books I recommend on mediation even though there are plenty of good books around on the subject. Those of my friend Clive Lewis OBE – who has written 14 books including “How to Master Workplace and Employment Mediation” (Bloomsbury, 2015) and ”Difficult Conversations - 10 Read More

2020-10-19T10:08:29+01:00October 19, 2020|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Legal marketing case study – Royds Withy King private client wealth proposition and new product Life Safe®

This post is based on an article in Professional Marketing magazine (March 2019) which looked at a legal marketing case study for Royds Withy King private client wealth proposition. It was written by Robert Pinheiro, the firm’s Senior Marketing and CRM Manager. I was particularly pleased to see the Read More

2019-04-19T12:43:30+01:00April 19, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Strategy|
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