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How to create a digital marketing strategy in a professional services firm

It was great to welcome the Optix Solutions team to deliver its first online training session for PM Forum  on 4th September. This new session “Creating a Leading Digital Marketing Strategy” guided delegates through the process of creating and implementing a digital marketing strategy. It comprised three elements: a) digital Read More

The Proactive M&BD Executive – Culture shock, marketing models, fee-earner engagement, qualifications and social media

Just before Easter I spent a day facilitating the popular PM Forum training workshop “The Proactive M&BD Executive”. With a full house of marketing and business development executives from legal and accountancy firms across the UK it was an interactive, valuable and fun day (Thank you delegates for your spirited engagement Read More

2023-04-12T18:25:44+01:00April 12, 2023|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|

Five questions from a campaign, thought leadership and project management workshop

At last week’s campaigns workshop for PM Forum training  we had a full house of delegates with a rare balance between legal, accountancy/actuarial, property/engineering and consultancy firms. This article summarises the key themes emerging and contributes to the learning resources pack of the delegates. Five questions from a campaign, thought Read More

2022-06-27T09:21:28+01:00June 27, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling, Strategy|
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