Influencer marketing

How to create and promote your personal brand

Professionals – lawyers, accountants, surveyors and marketers – need to create and maintain a personal brand as part of their career development, marketing and selling. But how do you create a personal brand? And position it appropriately with the right level of awareness? Here I summarise a simple process to Read More

2024-05-17T08:35:19+01:00May 17, 2024|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media|

Book review: Connected leadership – How professional relationships underpin executive success by Andy Lopata

I’ve read many books on professional relationships – and I’ve even written one myself (see Better Business Relationships book by Kim Tasso (Bloomsbury)). But I’m always on the look out for more that are relevant for professional services and practical. This book addresses networking (both in person and through social Read More

Influence – Cialdini’s six principles of the psychology of persuasion (Video)

This short (12 minute) video runs through some key ideas on Influence – Cialdini’s six principles of the psychology of persuasion. Influence – Cialdini’s six principles of the psychology of persuasion. (Video script) Hi. I’m Kim Tasso. Today we are going to look at the six principles of influence and Read More

Influencer marketing in professional services

Whilst we might not call it influencer marketing in professional services, it is usually an important component of our marketing, communications and sales strategies. I spend a lot of time helping firms establish and improve their marketing, referrer management and client relationship management strategies and influencer marketing usually features. And Read More

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