
UK accountancy market trends

There was an interesting piece on growth and UK accountancy market trends in Accountancy Age on 13 January looking at the trends within top 100 accountancy practices (http://www.accountancyage.com/aa/analysis/2322595/full-top50-50-analysis-mixed-bag-of-success?utm_term=&utm_content=headline_title&utm_campaign=AA.Best_Practice_RL.EU.A.U&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=AA.DCM.Editors_Updates) The main points were: There were 12 new entrants into the market – in some ways this is encouraging as it shows Read More

2014-01-24T09:52:10+00:00January 24, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Book review: “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie – Still a valuable guide

I first read "How to win friends and influence people" way back in January 1984. That’s nearly 30 years ago (the book was actually written back in 1938). It had a profound effect on me - despite the fact that I am a psychologist and have read thousands of books Read More

Strategic positioning: Can the professions constantly innovate?

At the recent Professional Marketing Forum conference  there were a number of sessions where the topic of strategic positioning arose. At an early point in the proceedings, Simon Slater talked about competitive positioning strategy. He mentioned Rita McGrath’s book “The end of competitive advantage” who argued that “strategy is stuck”. Read More

2013-10-06T18:36:44+01:00October 6, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Strategy|
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