Managing Change

Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great, How to manage organisational change and Strategic Selling

At recent consulting, strategy and change management workshops delegates asked about some classic management books. I also noticed that “Good to great” was frequently referenced in some of the latest management thinking. As I had published the reviews below before starting this blog in 2008, I thought I’d re-post them Read More

2022-05-24T17:10:18+01:00May 24, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Selling, Strategy|

Don’t jump to conclusions – Coaching and Consulting skills (Expectations, Relationships, Listening, Goals and Implementation (February 2022))

It was a full house on the second presentation of this PM Forum training  workshop on “Coaching and Consulting Skills for Marketing and Business Development” in February 2022. Most of the professions – lawyers, patent attorneys, accountants, economists, engineers and actuaries – were represented. This post explores one of the Read More

2022-02-11T16:55:49+00:00February 11, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|

Consulting skills 1 – Book review: The Art of Consultancy by Calvert Markham

I am often asked which books I recommend on consulting skills. I’m asked both by people contemplating a freelance consultancy career and increasingly by people who have an internal consultant role supporting a change management programme. Having started in a management consultancy (now Deloitte) in 1987, been an independent consultant Read More

2021-08-18T10:35:48+01:00August 6, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|
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