PM Conference Report 2022: Strategy implementation, Employer Value Propositions (EVP), Storytelling and Client Feedback

This article was published in the latest edition of PM Forum Magazine. PM Conference Report 2022: Strategy implementation, Employer Value Propositions (EVP), Storytelling and Client Feedback. The event took place on September 29th 2022. After two years online, you could feel the excitement of being face-to-face with 150 people in Read More

2022-11-18T16:43:51+00:00November 18, 2022|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|

Key issues in Marketing and Business Development Planning: Engage, Analyse, Expand, Innovate and Measure

This is a summary (and an additional learning resource for delegates) of last week’s M&BD planning workshop through the PM Forum. Key issues in Marketing and Business Development Planning: Engage, Analyse, Expand, Innovate and Measure. The three modules looked at M&BD fundamentals, the journey through the M&BD planning process and Read More

2022-07-11T15:19:38+01:00July 11, 2022|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Strategy|

Pitching and tendering – Focus, differentiation and less is more (April 2022)

There were delegates from law, construction and surveying firms at MBL’s recent “How to prepare and present winning pitches and tenders” . Three key themes emerged on pitching and tendering – Focus, differentiation and less is more. Focus on the client One of the key themes was the need to Read More

2022-04-07T11:17:05+01:00April 4, 2022|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Property, Relationship Management, Selling|
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