
Business Development Coaching Insights

At next week’s 29th Annual PM Forum Conference 2024 - PM Forum I’m presenting on coaching alongside Richard Chaplin | LinkedIn and Keith Hardie | LinkedIn. I thought it would be helpful to do a round-up of recent coaching articles which focus on business development. I’ve mostly drawn from PM Read More

Why are my relationships like rollercoaster rides? Volatile relationships with heady highs and rock-bottom lows

Therapy clients sometimes report that their relationships are dramatic and volatile – swinging from heady highs to rock-bottom lows (and back again). Sometimes clients aren’t aware that they are repeating this pattern in their personal relationships. There are many possible reasons and explanations – some of which are linked.  With Read More

2024-08-21T09:36:24+01:00August 21, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

Book review: “Adult children of emotionally immature parents – how to heal from distant, rejecting or self-involved parents” by Lindsay C Gibson PsyD

This 2015 New York Times bestselling book by a clinical psychologist will provide a profound light bulb moment for some people. The book really resonated with me. And I have seen the dramatic impact it had on some of my clients who came to therapy reporting anxiety, anger, depression and/or Read More

2024-11-04T19:21:21+00:00August 15, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|

How do you choose a therapist?

Once you decide you want to have therapy, you have to choose a therapist. Most therapists describe themselves in terms of the type of therapy they provide. This makes it challenging for clients to choose if they are unaware of what those different types of therapy mean and for whom Read More

2024-07-27T12:33:01+01:00July 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management|
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