
The price of divorce: survey results

At the beginning of February I released a survey into the price of divorce in conjunction with and The key findings from the research are as follows: 71% of those responding were male 50% had an average gross household income of between £25,000 and £100,000 55% said that the children lived Read More

2013-08-28T13:49:02+01:00March 14, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Two big guns of communication – Face-time and reframing

At a recent workshop for “Practical and professional skills for marketing and business development assistants”  I asked the participants for their views on the most important practical tips that they were taking away. They picked two – one might argue obvious - techniques to help them improve their communications with partners Read More

2023-09-23T16:27:32+01:00March 7, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

The psychology of creativity

I have studied creativity and innovation extensively in the past and admire the work of people such as Bird, Buzan, Cabral, De Bono, Doblin, Grundy, Hayes, Henry, Kirton, Kline, Perkins, Snowden, Sternberg, Thomke and Wallace to name a few. Big C Creativity The psychology of creativity applies empirical, scientific rigour Read More

2014-08-20T14:42:46+01:00February 22, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Creative competencies

Dr Robert Epstein, a psychologist at Harvard, is well known as a leading thinker on creativity. He developed a simple model which identified the following important dimensions of creativity (creative competencies): Capturing This relates to how well you capture and preserve ideas as they occur to you. For example, artists carry Read More

2014-08-20T14:36:28+01:00February 22, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|
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